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The TravelUp Customer Service team are always available 24/7 to help you make a reservation or to assist with any other queries you may have. You can email your request to (please allow up to 12 hours for a response) or call us on one of the telephone numbers shown below to discuss with an advisor.

Booking Cycle

A Guide to booking a flight with TravelUp

At TravelUp, we want our customers to be confident when booking with us and well-informed about the processes required prior to heading to the airport. In order to help guide you through your booking and prepare you for your travel, we have created 2 flowcharts which highlight all the crucial steps required by TravelUp and customers during and after a flight booking is completed.

Guide to booking a flight with TravelUp

When making a booking

Prior to travel, you should research the VISA & health requirements for the destinations you are looking to venture to as well as whether your passport is valid.

When you’ve found the flight you’d like to book, check the airports are correct.

Important info: Connecting flights sometimes use different airports in the same city (e.g. fly into LGW and out of LHR).

Please note: some carriers code share (like BA and AA or VS and DL).

On the website, these are reflective of flying time and DO NOT include the stops.

Ensure your baggage meets the allowance set by your chosen airline(s), check the meal options available on-board as well as the intermediate stops which are required for some direct flights (for refuelling etc). This info can be found on the Basket screen and need to be hovered over to provide more detail.

Unsure what each airline offers within their different seat types? Check on their websites for more information about this before booking.

Unsure what each airline offers within their different seat types? Check on their websites for more information about this before booking.

Unsure what each airline offers within their different seat types? Check on their websites for more information about this before booking.

Unsure what each airline offers within their different seat types? Check on their websites for more information about this before booking.

By accepting the terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you agree to them, have read them and are happy to proceed with your TravelUp flight booking.

Please ensure these details are correct and that the billing address matches the address that the card is registered to

By accepting the terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you agree to them, have read them and are happy to proceed with your TravelUp flight booking.

Check your booking details again – price, flight times, passport details and contact info – before confirming.

Once your booking has been processed

On receiving your booking confirmation/invoice, please check that all the details displayed are correct. If there are any errors with the booking details, please call us on the day of purchase. If you call any later, TravelUp may have to charge additionally for any changes which are allowable for your chosen flight.

Within 28 hours of making your booking, you will receive an e-ticket (most of our customers receive this on the day of booking). If you do not receive this within 48 hours, please contact our Support team.

Prior to travel, you must ensure that you check your emails for any schedule changes.

72 hours before your flight, you will need to reconfirm your flights directly with your chosen airline(s). Flights cannot be reconfirmed by calling TravelUp.

24 to 72 hours before your flight (airline dependant), check-in online directly on your chosen airlines website.

Travel made simple with our app
Travel made simple with our app

Travel made simple with our easy to use app!