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The TravelUp Customer Service team are always available 24/7 to help you make a reservation or to assist with any other queries you may have. You can email your request to (please allow up to 12 hours for a response) or call us on one of the telephone numbers shown below to discuss with an advisor.

Corporate Travel

image of frank happy

Corporate Travel

At TravelUp, we provide a comprehensive travel resource to our corporate members, offering a flexible and efficient way to obtain cheap flights. Our service makes use of the newest technology, such as our unique trip manager facility and live online assistance. Corporate Travel Management

Both large and small company’s can benefit from the TravelUp Corporate Travel Management Service. We offer a flexible, cost effective and efficient solution to your company’s business travel requirements. Every TravelUp corporate member will be assigned a dedicated travel management consultant. The consultant will liaise directly with your company’s travel manager.

Every corporation has cost saving objectives and TravelUp realises this. We are able to offer our corporate members considerable great prices on cheap flights, due to our relationships with some of the top airlines.

Furthermore, each TravelUp corporate member will have a personal travel profile to access their business travel arrangements at leisure. This profile will contain all the details on the company’s travel policies, such as frequent flyer membership and preferred hotel and car hire suppliers.

To get the benefits of Trip Manager Call us on 08456 127 111

Trip Manager

TravelUp’s Trip manager is an efficient travel information and booking system designed to simplify and streamline the process of Corporate Travel Management. Trip Manager provides TravelUp corporate customers with a management tool that is both reliable and flexible.

Trip Manager Details

Trip manager is a browser-based booking tool. It provides corporate travel managers and other executives the capability for fully online, real-time trip planning for cheap flights, car hire and hotel accommodation 24 hours a day. One of Trip manager's main strengths is its ability to be fully customized to meet the individual company's business objectives.

The Trip Manager's profile management system enables clients to construct a fully comprehensive personal profile. This profile allows our clients to retain important travel data. The trip manager profile can be synchronised so that it confers with specific corporate travel policies such as preferred suppliers and negotiated fares, thus guaranteeing cost savings the whole travel planning process is enhanced and streamlined by the many features and benefits incorporated within the Trip manager system, which include:

  • Total travel management
  • Full reporting system
  • Completely integrates your company's corporate travel policies
  • Comprehensive and customizable travel profile
  • No more time wasted on numerous phone calls
  • Easy to change any part of your itinerary
  • Full service support and training by customer support personnel.
Travel made simple with our app
Travel made simple with our app

Travel made simple with our easy to use app!